Products from Fartàritx

Healing energy of Fartàritx


The power of Fartàritx in a bottle
We harvest the herbs in the morning when the ingredients are at their highest. The elixirs are stirred for weeks before they are bottled. 
You just need to mix one tablespoon of the elixir with water and get a very delicious tasting drink.

The 4 varieties support you in different situations.

What do you need right now?

Harmony - Strength - Resilience - Sensitivity

To our Elixirs


Smudges from Fartàritx

Incense rituals are rooted in many cultures around the world. In pre-Christian times, for example, people burned incense to drive away demons. Celts and Germanic tribes celebrated incense burning at festivals. Medicine men and shamans sought a connection to the spiritual world in the rising smoke. Incense is still burned in churches today.

Smoking is a kind of primal aromatherapy. When the herbs smolder, they release essential oils. These enter the limbic system, a very ancient part of our brain, through the nose, which involuntarily triggers feelings. This can trigger processes that help clear, release and let go.

To our smudges



Hydrolates from Fartàritx

Hydrolates (plant water) are created from the fusion of the elements water, fire, earth and air namely, during the distillation of fresh plants to essential oils. The valuable ingredients of the fresh herbs and plants are bound by this procedure in the plant water, which is why this can be used in many ways.

Our hydrosols suit every skin type and are the most natural skin care imaginable. The bottles are small and handy, so you can easily have them with you. In this way, you get a quick, side-effect-free help from the horn of plenty of the Tramuntana everywhere.

To our hydrolates